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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Away from Home but Still Happy for the Holidays

My first time to celebrate Christmas and the new year away from home - far away in another country with different customs and practices.

Christmas, being a Christian holiday, was celebrated with fellow Filipino Christians - a little party with the tradition of exchanging gifts and some party games to make the night more interesting. Of course, there's drinking and karaoke to spend the night away. A few hours after midnight, my beloved and I had to leave ahead to rest. Christmas is a day of obligation and we had to attend mass and I don't want to be sleepy in church.

For new year's eve, we were planning on going to Marina Bay to watch the fireworks but my Malaysian friend attested to the size of the crowd that would also be there to witness the event. This lessened my interest and so we decided to watch it on live TV - better coverage and more convenient. Although not in person but I got a clear view of local artistes like Joanne Peh, Jeanette Aw, Jade Seah, Michelle Chong, Fann Wong, and Phua Chu Kang himself, Gurmit Singh. In the absence of TFC, I've come to know these artistes better and have even forgotten some Filipino actors/actresses. The fireworks were spectacular but are still not comparable to the ones we witnessed in Disneyland Hong Kong.

On New Year's day (or rather, New Year's night) we celebrated with a liter of Jose Cuervo Especial - bought from Duty-Free by my good friend and room mate who went home for Christmas. Unfortunately, he has to report for work later (only the 1st of January is a holiday) and he went to bed at the stroke of midnight - the bottle still half empty and just the two of us enjoying it - and I finished the pulutan of canned Gulong Stewed Pork by myself while watching The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King on MediaCorp 5 - the gay and disgusting Frodo-Sam and Merry-Pippin relationships, shield maiden Eowyn killing the Lich King, Denethor II trying to burn Faramir but got burned himself, and Aragorn cheating his way to victory in the battle of Minas Tirith with the help of the Spectres. It's a Saturday and he promised to be home early so we'll have enough time to finish the rest of the tequila.

It's past one in the morning and if you're wondering why I'm writing this entry, it's because I'm the most expressive when I've had enough to drink.

Spare me the criticism. Even in this condition, my spelling and grammar is still flawless. If you find anything wrong, leave a comment...

To my sober self, when you read this later, don't you ever edit this post.


  1. awww... no embarassing, blackmail-worthy revelations? kulang pa sa tequila da!

  2. kung gipun-an pa to ang tequila kay natumba na ko. :p

  3. Hey there,

    First and foremost, I happened to chance upon your blog via the Nuffnang Ad Exchange program and I realised that your blog is truly awesome!

    Hence, if you don't mind, I will like to propose a really beneficial deal which goes like this,

    I will visit your blog whenever I see an advertisement on my own blog and then I will click on the advertisement if there happens to be one on your blog.

    You might be thinking, “How am I sure that this guy is going to click on the advertisements for me?” Well, simple, nuffnang has this program called Community *NEW* which is right below the Analytics under Referrals. You can go check it out frequently to make sure that I have visited your blog promptly.

    Then you might be thinking, “So what? He can visit my blog but it still does not prove that he has been clicking on the advertisements.”

    Yes, I totally understand where you guys are coming from. But, rest assured I will not be so selfish that I visit your blog merely to save myself in your list. Clicking on the advertisements takes me less than 2 seconds and I do not suffer any loss at all by doing that. So, I swear to you, mark my words that I will click on your ads consistently throughout the month. As far as possible, I will do my best to visit your blog at least twice a week!

    Let's say I click on your ad once a week, you will a minimum of an additional 80cents per month. But if I click on it on other computers whenever the chance arises, you will definitely earn more than that!

    By the way, my own personal blog is at bizybay.blogspot.com

    So, what do you say? Would you like to collaborate with me on this project as well whereby we visit each other's blog and click on the ad for each other whenever we see the opportunity?

    It will be great if you can follow me on my blog!!! That will make it easier for you too.

    P.S. Do let you friends know about the blog if you like it! Thanks a gazillion! Appreciate it deeply from my heart!!!

    Aaron Bay Mingde

  4. wow. naka buy mo ug full lechon? where were you able to buy one? :)

  5. Gi-order sa Jologs. Lechon de Leche na siya. Mga 16" ra siguro gikan simod kutob ikog. Abi gani nakog iring. Hahaha.


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