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Monday, January 12, 2009

My 3-week Vacation

The year 2008 was about to end and I still had 10 days of leave credits left. Fortunately, my boss allowed me to use them in one go and I got to go back home to Cebu for a 3-week vacation. Was it really a vacation? Here's a list of the things I did (aside from celebrating Christmas and the new year):

  1. Waste half a day at the Police Station after the car I was driving got hit by a motorcycle (on my 2nd day in Cebu! Argh!!!)
  2. Celebrate my birthday with family and friends (of course, there's Poker and Red Horse)
  3. Facilitate the preparation of my high school batch's 10th-year reunion (this used up most of my time but it was worth it)
  4. Pay my contributions to SSS, Pag-ibig, and Philhealth (when you're dealing with government agencies, you don't get things done in one day)
  5. Have dinner with my beloved's family (ahem...)
  6. Have dinner with my family in Gerry's Grill at The Terraces
  7. Celebrate my mother's 60th birthday (God bless her)
  8. Visit my oh-so-slowly-but-surely-growing goat farm and take pictures of the "kids"
  9. Eat fresh young coconuts with my cousins
  10. Attend my high school's Grand Alumni Homecoming
  11. Buy 2 months worth of groceries (it's cheaper than in Singapore, you know)
  12. Play 3 (not straight) nights of Poker (now this is what I call a vacation)
  13. Fix a friend's virus-infected computer with the help of Ubuntu
  14. Watch videos of my best friend's wedding
  15. Eat Lechon, Chicken Joy, Burger Steak, ToSiLog, Siomai, Quesadillas, and Balot (Yeah!!!)
  16. Cook chicken rice and let my family have a taste of Singapore cooking
  17. Cook chicken rice at my beloved's and let her family have a taste of Singapore cooking
  18. Open a Time Deposit Account and put in all my savings to it (I'll miss you!)
  19. Tour the recently-opened Crown Regency Hotel and Towers
  20. Ride the country's (or is it the world's?) first Edge Coaster!

Now my vacation is over and I'm back in Singapore. It really feels good when you're able to do many things in a short span of time. Come to think of it, I did a lot of things except update this blog. Xp

This post was cloned from the author's former blog. To see the original entry and readers' comments, click here.


  1. maayo pa ka dong you get to go back home. i heard the reunion was a blast. i wish i was there.

    so much has changed in cebu and I just knew about that Edge Coaster thing through your blog. it looks fun and interesting. will definitely try this one when i get to go home (hopefully late this year).

  2. Yeah, lingaw ang reunion although mas gamay na ang attendance compared sa 2003. Lloyed's pictures are posted here. Naa sad ko video pero ako pa gilimpyohan. :)


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